CKMA provide not only water purifiers but also the No. 1 services in Bangkok! If you are looking for water purifiers in Bangkok, please come to CKMA.

Company Profile

"Japanese service quality in Thailand ..."
We undertake technical staff training and provide our customers with the same level of service as that offered in Japan. In order to ensure punctuality, all employees, including me, visit our customers using motorcycles. We never waste your valuable time. Also, we provide our own slippers when visiting.

Through the employee training program, we have absolute confidence in our service and product quality from the unit’s installation to the after sales service supervised by our Japanese staff. Filter replacement frequency is about three times that provided by other companies. If the filter is dirty at the time of regular service and maintenance every two months, we will replace without extra charge it even if it is not time expired. For this reason, our rental fee is set a little higher than other companies. However, we are confident that you will be satisfied with our service standard.

Our water purifiers and water softeners have the unit installed under the sink, thus the working space in the kitchen is unchanged. We install the unit without making a hole in the sink, so there will be no damage claim when you move out.

Since the start of operations in Bangkok 16 years ago, we have more than 3,000 customers. Good experience builds trust. For water purifiers and water softeners in Bangkok, please contact CKMA Thailand.

Kenji Sato